Country: Somalia
Closing date: 09 Jul 2017
Description of Somalia/land programme
Saferworld’s 2017-2020 strategy for Somalia/land has three core components.
- Enabling state building, governance and democratisation processes that are participatory, inclusive and accountable at state and federal levels
- Supporting the provision and implementation of security and justice services that are predicated on the principles of fairness and are accountable, accessible and responsive to the communities they serve
- Influencing the role of external actors to enable participatory, inclusive and accountable governance at state and federal levels.
Description of the Conflict Research Project
The objective of the project is to assess the feasibility of different approaches to Somalia’s protracted conflict. The project will research approaches already taken in Somalia and other contexts, analyse Somali perspectives and investigate the objectives and motivations of various actors in the conflict. It will provide a series of recommendations for policy-makers and other regional, national and international actors.
Four research outputs will be produced:
· An assessment of existing approaches to addressing conflict in Somalia, their suitability and how they have influenced the conflict both positively and negatively. Recommendations will be drawn in terms of what approaches could be applied in future.
· A series of detailed case studies looking at other contexts where policy-makers have sought to address protracted conflict. Lessons will be drawn and recommendations made for possible approaches that could be deployed in Somalia.
· A paper on current actors’ interests and objectives in Somalia. This will consider structures, purposes, dynamics, modes of operation and popular perceptions of conflict actors.
· A synthesis report building on the previous papers, which would consolidate information to draw out overarching conclusions and recommendations.
The project may also provide ad-hoc support to advocacy in the UK should this be required together with other relevant advocacy leads.
Job Purpose
The primary purpose of this job is to conduct and coordinate field research inside Somalia on key aspects of the research. The job-holder will be required to support the development of questions, test the questionnaires, support networking within the country, apply quantitative and qualitative research methodologies and recruit and oversee enumerators where required.
Key areas of responsibility
· Support the design of research methodologies sensitive to Somali conflict and contextual dynamics
· Support the development of the risk assessment for conducting field research and additional reviews
· Conduct quantitative and qualitative field research
· Support the analysis of data and development of conclusions and recommendations
· Facilitate contacts and communications with key research targets where required
· Conduct desk-based research on key issues where required, compiling and presenting data in clear formats
· Recruit and manage enumerators to support quantitative research where required
· Support Saferworld’s learning agenda on themes addressed under the project
· Ensure information security protocols are adhered to.
Monitoring & Evaluation
· Ensure research tasks are completed in a timely fashion and internal reporting is supported to ensure deadlines are adhered to
· Monitor and ensure that the quality of research conducted by temporary enumerators is of a high standard.
Internal and external relationships
- Maintain a good working relationship and communication with the Somalia team and London teams as per requirements
- Maintain relationships with key state and non-state actors, and develop local networks of contacts in key research areas
- Ensure effective, proactive and open communication with the Lead Researcher/Conflict Transformation and the Senior Conflict Adviser
- Maintain high standards of professionalism, independence and political neutrality within all aspects of work and communication.
Support for Somalia Team
- Contribute to team-wide processes and activities, including annual planning, outcome harvesting and team building
- Provide research support across the Somalia team where required, inclusive of guidance on local context, political issues and dynamics and support to other research activities within the team as and where required.
Person Specification
· Graduate degree in political science, security, peace/conflict studies or related field, with a specific emphasis on conflict transformation, or equivalent professional experience
· Familiarity with international donor aid management regulations.
· At least 5 years’ experience conducting field research in Somalia on issues of good governance, statebuilding and peacebuilding
· Demonstrated knowledge and experience of implementing quantitative and qualitative research methodologies
· Detailed knowledge of Somali political and social dynamics with wide networks of contacts within the country.
· Experience conducting analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, drawing conclusions and recommendations based on solid analysis of information available
· Understanding of non-state armed actors and peace transitions is beneficial
· Ability to work independently with minimal supervision
· High level of professionality
· Awareness of information security protocols and their application. .
Skills and Characteristics
- Demonstrable research, writing, communication and interpersonal skills
- Excellent written and spoken Somali and English
- High level of professionalism, discretion, neutrality and political independence
Terms & Conditions
Location: Mogadishu
Salary: USD 30,337-37,376 gross/year
Annual Leave: 28 days per year
Contract length: Open subject to funding
How to apply:
Download and complete an application form at and send to Marie Aziz at Please use subject heading – Ref: RC-PCT
Please do not send your CV as this will not be accepted in place of, or in addition to, a completed application form