Country: Bangladesh
Closing date: 31 Dec 2018
Saferworld is an independent non-governmental organisation that works to prevent violent conflict and build safer lives. We work with civil society, governments and international organisations to encourage and support effective policies and practices through advocacy, research, and policy development, and through supporting the actions of others.
The Gender and gender-based violence (GBV) Adviser will work within the Research and Programme Support team (RPS) and the Bangladesh Team.
Our work on gender, peace and security (GPS) is relevant in all conflict settings and cuts across all of our thematic work and geographic programmes. This role will focus on two work streams:
· Providing technical advice and support to Saferworld and partner colleagues on a significant new programme in Cox’s Bazaar, which seeks to build social cohesion within two refugee camps and between the displaced population and the host communities. It has a particular focus on gender, women’s empowerment and social cohesion, with an emphasis on GBV as one of the main barriers that women and girls face in enjoying their rights and participating freely and safely in decision making at all levels.
· Providing technical advice to other Saferworld country programmes on ongoing and future work on gender and peacebuilding. Focus areas include: examining gender norms and GBV as drivers of conflict; transforming negative masculinities, and/or women’s participation in peacebuilding.
Your experience and understanding of GBV will stem from a broader understanding of gender as a system of power that interacts with other characteristics and which can define people’s power and vulnerabilities in and out of conflict, at all levels.
You will bring your strong track record of successful advice to and implementation of gender and GBV projects in humanitarian and conflict-affected settings to this role. You will have experience working and coordinating with humanitarian organisations and coordination mechanisms, particularly around gender/GBV issues.
You will have a strong understanding of conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding, which you will be comfortable applying to this role. Moreover, you will have a good grasp of the challenges that the peacebuilding and humanitarian sectors face in working together, and have creative ideas on how to bridge those gaps through empowering conflict-affected communities.
A flexible and enthusiastic leader, you will feel comfortable working with colleagues with different backgrounds and expertise to develop and strengthen capacities, methodologies and ways of working on an issue not traditionally covered by the peacebuilding sector.
How to apply:
Please go to for a full job description and details of how to apply.