Closing date: 26 Sep 2017
Saferworld is an independent non-governmental organisation working to prevent violent conflict and build safer lives. In partnership with civil society and local authorities, we work with people affected by conflict to improve their safety and security through supporting community led responses to conflict resolution, peace building, advocacy, research and policy development.
Saferworld and our partners have been implementing an 18 month project in the Horn of Africa with a focus on Sudan and South Sudan that aimed to contribute to the promotion of peace and democratisation in the region through building the capacity of youth in democratic processes in order for them to become active participants in peace and democratic processes.
The project ended in June 2017. Over the course of the project Saferworld and our partners have conducted regular reviews, including an internal midterm evaluation and initial steps towards a final project evaluation. Saferworld is now seeking to conduct an external evaluation to validate and critically assess primary and secondary project documents and findings.
Project objectives and outcomes
The project aimed to address challenges faced by youth in participating in peace and democratic processes. Some of the challenges identified include: lack of trust between youth and older generations leading to marginalization of youth; limited space for youth participation in key processes such as national dialogues; lack of coordination between youth groups/movements; and de-linkage between local/grassroots issues and national processes.
The project’s theory of change argued that if youth-led groups were provided with space and opportunity for dialogue, provided with training and mentoring and given small grants to implement their own projects and if research was conducted on opportunities and challenges facing young people in the Horn of Africa, then youth would have greater capacity to build consensus and be enabled to implement coordinated actions to engage with political and peace processes, and civil society would be better informed to support youth movements in the region.
Specifically, the project aimed to increase the capacity of youth-led groups in the target countries to reach consensus around key issues relating to conflict and democratisation in their respective countries, and to implement coordinated actions.
The following results were expected:
1) 70 youth representatives from the target countries have increased opportunities to dialogue and coordinate on key issues
2) Representatives of 50 youth groups have increased skills and knowledge to organise and actively participate in peace and democratisation processes
3) Donors and NGOs have increased understanding of key issues, challenges, and opportunities facing youth groups in Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, and Somalia in effectively participating in peace and democratisation processes.
To achieve these objectives, the project supported activities that a) provided space for youth from different backgrounds to share ideas and different perspectives, b) built the skills of youth to engage in peace and democratisation processes, c) supported civil society to engage with youth groups, and d) conducted research on youth engagement in peace and democratisation in the Horn of Africa.
Evaluation purpose
Saferworld is commissioning an independent end-of-project evaluation with a view to validate and critically assess existing primary and secondary project data.
The specific objectives of the evaluation are:
To assess the impact made by the project towards increasing the capacity of youth to contribute to peace and democratisation in the target countries
To analyse the progress made in achieving project outcomes and objectives
To assess the sustainability of project results
To document promising practices and lessons; and provide recommendations for future work with engaging youth in peacebuilding and democratisation processes.
Findings from the evaluation will be used by Saferworld, national civil society organisations, youth groups and donors to inform future efforts in promoting the participation of youth in peace and democratisation.
Key evaluation questions
To what extent did the project address an identified need? How well did the project interventions align with youth priorities?
To what extent did the project build the capacity of youth to participate in peace and democratisation processes in the short term, medium term and long term?
What unintended outcomes (positive and negative) were produced? To what extent can the changes realised be attributed to the project?
To what extent were the project inputs and outputs timely and cost effective?
What hindrances did the project face?
How can future similar projects be more effective?
In November 2016, Saferworld conducted a midterm review of the project which focused on process and collected information on intermediate outcomes leading to the development of a midterm review report. Saferworld also conducted an internal end-of-project review focused on collecting raw data on achievement of project outcomes and outputs in August and September 2017.
For both reviews, the methodology included surveys administered to youth engaged through the project, outcome harvesting, focus group discussions and key informant interviews (KIIs) with project stakeholders - youth, community members where the youth implemented their projects and partner organisations. To ensure impartiality, both reviews were conducted by Saferworld staff who were not part of the project’s implementation.
To this end, the consultant will conduct a primarily desk-based critical analysis of existing materials to validate findings and provide an external perspective on achievement and success. Additional KIIs may be possible to support the validation process.
Role and responsibility of Saferworld
Saferworld will provide the consultant with raw data collected in its internal evaluation, the midterm evaluation report, progress reports, outcome forms and any other documentation necessary to facilitate the development of an appropriate methodology. In addition, Saferworld will arrange for meetings between the consultant and relevant stakeholders and partners, where necessary.
Role and responsibility of the evaluator
The consultant will review available data and literature, including the internal evaluation raw data, midterm review report, progress reports and programming documents; and design an evaluation process that provides an accurate assessment of the project.
Given the amount of available data, it is anticipated that there will be limited need for additional primary data collection. No travel will be necessary as part of the evaluation process.
A 15-page report summarising findings of the evaluation.
Indicative Timeframe
The final report should be completed by 31 October 2017.
ActivitySaferworld will have exclusive ownership of all information generated by this consultancy. The consultant may pass the information on to other parties in specific instances if Saferworld agrees to this in advance in writing. The consultant will treat as confidential all information provided by Saferworld about its work as part of this consultancy.
Management of consultant
The consultant will work under the management and supervision of the Saferworld Sudan Country Manager.
Person specification
- Demonstrated experience in using qualitative evaluation methodologies
- Proven experience and knowledge in qualitative data analysis
- Proven experience in outcome mapping and harvesting
- Strong knowledge and relevant experience of working on conflict, peacebuilding and conflict sensitivity issues
- Proven experience in conducting evaluations on youth engagement in democratisation and peace processes
- Knowledge of the political and conflict environment in the Horn of Africa, specifically in Sudan and South Sudan
- Knowledgeable in using participatory research methodologies and approaches
- Knowledgeable in using the theory of change to evaluate impact
- Experience writing evaluation reports for diverse audiences
- Ability to communicate (oral and written) in easy to understand English and work under a tight deadline
- Experience conducting evaluations for European Commission-funded projects
- Ability to communicate (oral and written) in Arabic
How to apply:
Interested candidate/s should submit:
- Expression of Interest outlining motivation, relevant experience and suitability for the consultancy (max 1 page)
- An outline of the methodology proposed for the assignment (max 2 page)
- A sample of previous work relevant to the assignment
- CV
- Contact details for two referees
- An indicative budget, including details of daily rates, which should not exceed a total of GBP 3,750.
The above should be sent to Susan Abok: with the subject line: End of project evaluation: Amplifying Youth in HoA.